Mindset Kitchen
Welcome to Mindset Kitchen with your hosts Sheyaf Hashim and Kareem Mostafa. It's the show where we talk about the mindsets, philosophies, and ideas that separate the phenomenal from the average.
60 episodes
EP59 - The Butterfly Effect
EP59 - The Butterfly Effect - How We Create What We FearIn this thought-provoking episode, we explore the paradox of avoidance - the phenomenon of inadvertently creating the very thing we seek to avoid. We examine how our actions, no ma...

EP58 - Start Again
Okay, if you have been following the podcast for a while, you must have noticed that we've had a lot of breaks in between our episodes. we try our best to be consistent but over the past year, the breaks have increased :) Thi...

EP57 - You gotta do it yourself
So you are trying to build a new business, project, or habit. you have read books, heard podcasts, and consumed hours of video by many experts on the subject. does this mean that you just have to implement all the learnings and you...

EP56 - Solitude
Can solitude be good for us? In this episode, we discuss the idea of how it can be used to our benefit and also infact why it's important at times to practice solitude.

EP55 - Why we Judge
Today's episode is about how at times we end up judging people and situations. we talk about how it impacts our thinking and how we end up forming opinions without even realizing it. We try and unpack why we judge to begin with.&n...

EP54 - Mentors & Role Models
In today's episode, we speak about the importance of having mentors and role models. We discuss the difference between both, and how they can help us in our personal and professional lives.

EP53 - The 80% Rule
There are a lot of great ideas, projects, or artists that haven't seen the light of day.Procrastination is one of the reasons for this. procrastination doesn't only happen due to laziness, many procrastinate due to perfectioni...

EP51 - Excuses & Narratives
Many of us plan and set goals for our lives, once these goals are set we work hard day and night to achieve them. While we are working towards these goals, what happens if something life-changing or catastrophic happens? We c...

EP50 - No One's Crazy
No One's CrazyHow often do we come across people who have an opinion that's completely opposite to the way we think ? What about seeing someone spend a lot of money on something that you would never spend on ? The most common response (...
Episode 50

EP49 - The Perception Workout
We are back after a short break. We all go through life-changing experiences and difficult situations in our lives and many a time we consider some of these events and situations to be the worst or at times best things that hap...

EP48 - Doing more with less
We discussed minimalism in one of our previous episodes and what it means to be a minimalist. Minimalism is a choice or way of life that many choose these days. In today's episode, we discuss what it means to have less an...

EP47 - Millenials & GenZ (Ali Khawaja)
Our second guest on the podcast is Ali Khawaja. Sheyaf and Ali talk about what makes Millenials and Genz's tick. Ali dives in deep on the topic, thanks to his experience of over a decade as an educator and mentor. <...

EP46 - Entrepreneurial Mindset (Roberto Croci)
We are stepping things up :) Our first guest on the podcast is Roberto Corci. He’s currently the Managing director of Microsoft for Startups MEA. Before Microsoft Roberto was a regional head at google spearheading the expansion of g...

EP45 - Take a Break
This is the first episode that we are recording in person. Kareem is visiting Dubai for a short break after two years. in this episode, we talk about why it's important to take a break from our routines and how it can help us reflect ...

EP44 - The Fixed Mindset
In this episode, we revisit the topic of a Fixed Mindset. we discussed the growth and fixed mindsets in EP17, we really recommend checking it out if you haven't already. In today's episode, we discuss in detail examples of how a fixed mi...

EP43 - Going the extra mile
We live in a time where people are getting busier and are looking for life and growth hacks so that they can do more with less time and effort.In today's episode, we talk about an interesting idea, about how we can sometimes go out of o...

EP42 - The Power of Now
Often we get too focused on the big goals that we have set for the future that we forget or lose sight of what's happening in our lives on a day-to-day basis. at times many of us also get demotivated due to not achieving the milesto...

EP41- The Art of Listening
How does it feel when someone just listens to you with undivided attention?In this episode, we discuss the “Lost Art” of listening as Kate Murphy calls it in her book "You’re not listening" We talk about why listening is so important and...

EP40- Teach to fish, Grow your influence
We’ve all heard the famous quote “Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime” In this episode, sheyaf & Kareem talk about teaching to fish, and in the pr...

EP39 - Empathy & Compassion
With everything that's going on in the world right now, be it the second wave of the pandemic or the oppression and violence people are facing. There's a lot we see on social media and the news. In this episode, we speak about empathy & com...

EP38 - The Cost of Success
In this episode, we talk about success. Sheyaf & Kareem try and discuss what success means to them individually. but having inspired by what they have been seeing around them, they try and answer a question, what is the price o...